
Diptychs by Wenche Dahle and Lars Andreas Dybvik

The word Blåtone have several meanings in Norwegian. It can refer to the colour blue, of course. But more common would be a blue note in music. Which are often ever so slightly out of tune. A disharmony. Which is what we have worked on in this project. We have put one image from each photographer together as a diptych. Exploring shiftings between harmony and disharmony. As in music, this makes for more ways of interpretations. And the big question we ask ourselves is: are man kind the Blåtone of our planet? Have we as a species moved our selfs that fatal step out of tune with mother earth?

The exhibition consists of 20 works where two prints are mounted together in a frame. All of the artworks are available in two sizes, and limited edition.

The project also contains the book Blåtone. Read more about it here.